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Hands Free Physical Therapy


Manny, PT


Helping individuals in the community to improve mobility and independence, and optimize physical ability for more than 15 years.  I am expanding my practice to include virtual services.

About Me

Hands Free PT

My name is Manuel Cotta

I am a Physical Therapist in Fresno, California and a graduate of CSU, Fresno.  With over 30 years of experience in health care including acute, outpatient and home health physical therapy services, emergency medical care, respite services and residential care; I have never encountered a client that I was unable to help.  

Manuel Cotta Physical Therapist Therapy Pain Joints Exercise Neck Back Shoulder Ankle Foot Hip Elbow Knee

My Services


Virtrual Physical Therapy Consultation

Is the best choice for you if:

  • You have travel constraints

  • Need flexibility for visits

  • Prefer a customized plan of care

  • You're independently motivated

Connect with me for an initial consultation to discuss your Physical Therapy needs.  During this time I will asses any impairments that may be preventing you from living your best life whether you have pain, want to improve your work environment or physical performance, I am here to help!


Virtual Therapeutic Exercise Prescription

During your online consultation I will be able to determine the best approach to reaching your goals.  If that includes a prescription to a home exercise program to address any impairments this can be issued electronically with photos and videos using to complement your personalized home exercise regime.


Virtual Client Advocacy

Is the best choice of you if:

  • ​You feel ignored by your doctor

  • Are unsure of the services you need

  • Have chronic problems that never seem to be addressed


Often times we struggle with ongoing problems that never seem to get addressed in a timely manner.  We either are having difficulty describing our situation to our providers, or we just have not encountered a provider that hears us.  With my extensive background in health care I can help you by advocating for the services you need!  


Virtual Ergonomic Evaluation

If you are having chronic problems that seem to linger often times these are associated with our ergonomic environment and can be addressed by making corrections to your work environment.  I can provide an assessment of your work space and make recommendations that will optimize comfort at work, minimize further injuries and avoid aggravating these symptoms. 


Manual Therapy 

Following initial consultation, occasionally it will be necessary for hands on Physical Therapy that can be provided in your home.  I can perform soft tissue and joint mobilization and neuromuscular re-education along with your home exercise program to optimize your functional outcomes.


Home Safety Consultation

We all experience life changing events, some major and some minor.  These all have an impact on our surroundings and change how we respond to our environment.  I am able to assist you with making necessary changes to your environment to facilitate safety and the highest level of function and mobility possible whether using adaptative equipment or universal design.  This will allow you to grow your home into you! 

Contact Us


Fresno, CA 

Manuel Cotta, PT


Available by phone, text and email.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

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